International anime fans who have been impatiently waiting for The Seven Deadly Sins Season 2 release date can finally relax and watch Meliodas take on some demons. Called Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu (Revival Of The Commandments) in Japanese, the story has the Sins traveling to another kingdom to take on a new looming threat.
In the past, Netflix has been known to break up multi-cour seasons into multiple parts and make audiences wait to watch the second half. A cour is a single three-month unit of broadcasting, usually composed of between 11 to 13 episodes. Thankfully, all 24 episodes of Nanatsu no Taizai Season 2 are being released immediately.
The Netflix U.S. release includes a nice The Seven Deadly Sins English dub that’s on point with the translations. Other dubbed languages include German, Spanish, and French. Unfortunately, Italians are limited to just subtitles in their language.
Audiences may notice that Netflix labels The Seven Deadly Sins anime as already having three seasons. Technically, Signs Of Holy war was a series of OVA (Original Video Animation) episodes, while Revival Of The Commandments is The Seven Deadly Sins Season 2.
The real The Seven Deadly Sins Season 3 is probably going to be called New Holy War (see the linked-to article for more details about the third season).

The Seven Deadly Sins anime is based on a manga (or comic series) by creator Nakaba Suzuki. To put the anime in perspective, the first season ended with the events of Chapter 100 of Volume 13. The Seven Deadly Sins Season 2 Episode 24 found an ending right around Chapter 197 of Volume 24.
American audiences wanting to read ahead of the anime’s story can start reading the manga now. The Seven Deadly Sins manga’s English translation by Kodansha Comics is not too far behind the Japanese version, which is up to Volume 33.
The English Volume 28 came out on September 25, 2018, Volume 29 is scheduled for November 27, 2018, and Volume 30 for January 8, 2019. The English translation on Crunchyroll also releases on a weekly basis right behind the release in Japan.