Dragon Ball fans unite because on December 8, 2022. The SAND LAND project was officially announced!
We have a shiny new Twitter account, an official website, and a promotional trailer video on YouTube! We also have a countdown for further information!

What is SAND LAND?
Mark your calendars for December 17, 2022! The SAND LAND project website only has a countdown right now, but something will happen on that Saturday.
Given that the SAND LAND manga only has 14 chapters in a single volume, a couple of theories are arising. First, is SAND LAND about to be animated as either a movie or a short series?
Is the manga going to be getting a sequel? The story in SAND LAND is simple but told well. But there’s plenty of room for more stories.
SAND LAND isn’t one of Akira Toriyama’s most well-known works. But I believe it’s one of his best.
And it started with Toriyama wanting to draw a story about an old man with a tank. Only for him to realize that he hates drawing the tank!
A solid story with a signature art style!
One of the things that set the Dragon Ball franchise apart is Toriyama’s art style. You don’t have to know every detail about the characters to know Akira Toriyama drew it.
And SAND LAND is no different! In 14 chapters, we’re introduced to many characters that feel distinct, despite the amount of time we see them.
Beelzebub is the son of Lucifer and the prince of Demons, but he’s a kid at heart. He’s never killed any humans; the worst thing he’s done is stay up late and not brush his teeth when he’s supposed to.
Rao is a mysterious old man who’s killed many people in a war. But together with Theif, another Demon who dresses up as Santa Claus to help him steal things.
The trio agreed to work together to find the Phantom Lake and restore water to a desert world. But things aren’t that simple because a nameless King and a cyborg General Zeu are determined to keep the water for themselves!
If you love Akira Toriyama’s stories, don’t miss out on the manga or this new SAND LAND project. It may be the early Christmas present we’ve been waiting for!