The Spy x Family Episode 26 release date is on November 26, 2022.
Fiona Frost is finally making her move in Spy x Family Episode 21! What is her relationship with Twilight?
Why is she inviting herself over to the Forger residence? And who dares harm the giant penguin?!

What’s going to happen in SPYxFAMILY Episode 21?
Like the last five episodes, episode 21 will be split into two parts. The first half is Nightfall, and the second half is First Fit of Jealousy.
Nightfall is Fiona’s spy name, so it makes sense that we’ll learn more about her. But the second half’s title is a hint but also misleading.
We know that Yor and Loid are going to fall in love. And we know Twilight has a way with the ladies, thanks to his spy training.
But who’s to say there won’t be more than one person getting jealous in episode 21?

Why is meeting Fiona not exciting?
Anya’s love for excitement and anything spy-related is one of the core aspects of her character. So why doesn’t she look pleased in this screenshot?
Is Fiona a double agent or something worse? Like a prospective replacement for Yor? Remember, from Yor’s perspective, this marriage is one of convenience, and she thinks that Anya is Loid’s daughter.
All they have is forged documents, photos, and memories together. They’ve never shared the same room unless Yuri came to visit.
Even their apartment belongs to Loid. So, if Loid declares he’s in love with another woman, there’s not much Yor can do about it.
But that doesn’t mean she won’t do something!

Trouble in paradise?
Loid doesn’t look pleased, but is this because of Operation Strix or something else? Fiona does have a convenient cover story for why she’s at the Forger home.
Observant fans will be able to figure it out from episode 20. But will Operation Strix fail if Fiona’s plan works?
Given how strict the interview was to get into Eden, something like divorce might cause Anya to be expelled, which would ruin everything the Forgers have been doing since episode one. Not to mention the rest of the WISE’s plans for world peace.
Spies are supposed to keep calm and put the mission first. But will Fiona be able to do that?

Not the penguin!
Someone has torn up Anya’s penguin! But who could do this and why? Is there an enemy agent who can attack whenever they choose?
Or is the truth something less extreme? This screenshot is the fifth released on the Spy x Family anime website.
Meaning it’s from the second half of the episode, First Fit of Jealousy. There are a few characters who are jealous of Anya.
But which one could get into the Forger home and attack the penguin?

What’s wrong with Bond?
Our big floofy boy looks scared. Can it be that he saw who attacked the penguin? Will he show Anya the truth in a vision?
Or did he decide the penguin was a chew toy and is scared he’s about to be punished? Will jealousy destroy our favorite spy family?
We’ll have to wait until November 26 to find out!