The Pokemon Master Journeys Part 3 release date on Netflix USA is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2022.
Pokemon Master Journeys Part 1 included Pokemon Journeys Episodes 49 through 60 in the overall series. Pokemon Master Journeys Part 2 included episodes 13 through 24 (or Pokemon Journeys Episodes 61 through 72).
Pokemon Master Journeys Part 3 could include Episodes 25 through 36 (or Pokemon Journeys Episodes 73 through 84). It’s also possible that Part 3 will have 18 episodes (Episodes 25 through 42) since it was previously announced that Pokemon Master Journeys would have “approximately 42 episodes” in total.
But since Netflix announced that they’re releasing in blocks of 12, it’s more likely that Pokemon Master Journeys Part 4 will be shorter and end by having only around six episodes.
It’s also been confirmed that Netflix is keeping its exclusive rights for streaming Pokemon Master Journeys internationally. Otherwise, the episodes have been released months in advance on Japanese TV stations.
The streaming giant likes to set up international audiences for binge-watching rather than releasing episodes weekly, as Netflix users know. That means Pokemon Master Journeys will be split into multiple seasons or parts.
More episodes will release in blocks of 12 episodes “approximately every three months for the duration of the season,” according to the official website. The press release words it differently, stating that the “initial release of 12 episodes [will be] followed by quarterly releases on Netflix for the duration of the season.”
Based on the wording, that should have meant the Pokemon Master Journeys Part 2 release date would be in late December 2021, but it was apparently pushed back to early Winter 2022.
That means the Pokemon Master Journeys Part 3 release date on Netflix USA will likely be pushed back to Spring 2022 rather than coming out in March 2022.
This article provides everything that is known about Netflix’s Pokemon Master Journeys Part 3 and all related news. As such, this article will be updated over time with news, rumors, and analysis. Meanwhile, let’s delve down into what is known for certain.
Pokemon Season 25 title to be announced retroactively?
The initial release of Netflix’s Pokemon Master Journeys included 12 episodes which came out on September 10, 2021. Netflix confirmed to Monsters and Critics via email that Pokemon Journeys ended with Episode 48.
Each new Pokemon season tends to have around 50 episodes. For example, Pokemon XYZ had 47 episodes, while Pokemon Season 22 had 54 episodes.
The odd part is that the Japanese TV broadcast of Pokemon Journeys was already up to Episode 60 as of March 19, 2021. But Pokemon Master Journeys wasn’t announced until later in 2021 for the summer.
That meant the new episodes were officially retroactively considered to be Season 24, with Season 23 (Pokemon Journeys) ending in Japan with Episode 48 on March 5, 2021.
The same thing seems to be happening to the Pokemon Season 25 anime. In July 2021, a press release confirmed that Pokemon Master Journeys would have “approximately 42 episodes” in total.
The overall series will be up to Pokemon Journeys Episode 96 (or Pokemon Master Journeys Episode 48) by February 4, 2022. Thus, it’s expected that the official title for Pokemon Season 25 will be announced in the first half of 2022.

Pokemon Master Journeys story recap
In the first part of Pokemon Master Journeys, one of the highlights was Pokemon Master Journeys Episode 5: Healing the Healer!, when they encounter the legendary water Pokemon Suicune!
Audiences were introduced to all sorts of varying Pokemon. Ash, Goh, and Chloe traveled to the Galar region to research the Galar Fossils.
There were many highlights involving Team Rocket. The scoundrels tried swapping out Pikachu with their mecha version, and Team Rocket even infiltrated a school disguised as students.
Team Rocket’s antics get even zanier later on since they bring in a… vending machine? Then a giant Gulpin ball goes on a rampage in the city.
Team Rocket also managed to steal Grookey and claim ownership. But the Grookey belong to Team Rocket, managed to free itself and join Goh’s team, resulting in a chaotic battle where Team Rocket was sent blasting off as always.
At the ending of Pokemon Master Journeys Part 1, Ash and Farfetch’d faced off against Rinto and Gallade in a World Coronation Series match and won! That means Ash’s ranking is now up to 184.
With this victory in hand, Ash and Goh found themselves taking on… broken plumbing? Goh also worked with a very damp Jimereon.
The trio then decided to travel to the Hoenn region, where a Marine Athletics Competition is held in Minamo City. Then they helped fix the hot springs in Fuen Town, where the residents believe an Absol is causing the problems.
Ash then engages in a dragon battle and makes the leap to the Ultra Class by rising to rank 99.
Things get interesting when an electric-type Pokemon is suspected of a series of thefts in Kuchiba City. After investigating, the suspect turns out to be a Pikachu!
Ash and Goh return to Masara Town, where Professor Oak tells them about Project Mew. The goal is to search for the mythical Pokemon Mew.
The last time audiences watched the anime, Goh had received an email inviting him on his first Project Mew mission in the glacial area north of Mt. Tengan. Then everyone had a tangle with Team Rocket in an underground labyrinth.
Pokemon Master Journeys Episode 25 story summary
Pokemon Master Journeys Part 3 will start the story in Pokemon Journeys Episode 73, which came out in Japan on July 16, 2021.
In a frigid area in the Galar region, an Eiscue gets set adrift while sleeping on a floating block of ice, only waking up in the middle of the ocean to see that its home and colony are nowhere in sight. After arriving in Galar, Ash and Goh immediately start looking around for a Falinks. Meanwhile, Eiscue has washed up ashore. Ash and Goh finally locate a Falink and decide to work on their teamwork. Eiscue goes on a wild ride in the nearby area and when the Pokemon runs into Falinks the battle lines are drawn.
Here’s a review and the plot summary of Pokemon Master Journeys Episode 25: Commander Pikachu! Head Forth, Falinks!!
Unfortunately, anime fans will have to wait until the Pokemon Master Journeys Part 3 release date on Netflix to watch what happens next. Stay tuned!