On October 20, 2022, Shonen Jump’s official Twitter announced that Naruto: Sasuke’s Story: The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust The Manga is starting on the VIZ website on October 22, 2022! First, however, there are two things fans need to know.
The manga is free, you don’t have to make an account to read it, and the manga is an adaptation of the light novel of the same name. You can pre-order the book and read it on November 22, 2022.
It also has a different cover art than the manga and is priced at $10.99 on most sites.
What is Naruto: Sasuke’s Story: The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust?
The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust light novel is a prose novel in a series that focuses on different Naruto characters. Enemies and allies will get their own story.
Naruto is getting the next one, but Sasuke fans will love this one! Set during Boruto: Next Generations, the synopsis for the light novel is fascinating.
Sasuke heads for an astronomical observatory far from the Land of Fire. Sakura meets him there, and they begin an undercover mission to find traces of The Sage of Six Paths.
Eventually, they uncover a plan beyond life and death, and they must fight for their lives! It’s a standard plot, considering how often reanimation happens in the Naruto universe.
But The Sage of Six Paths has played a vital role in the Naruto mythos and watching Sasuke and Sakura fight is always satisfying.
New stories by different people!
Jun Esaka has written several light novels in the Naruto universe. Kakashi’s Story: The Sixth Hokage and the Failed Prince, Sasuke’s Story: Star Pupil, Naruto Uzumaki, and the Spiral Destiny coming out on March 28, 2023.
Shikamaru’s Story: Mourning Clouds, and Naruto’s Story: Family Day. Shingo Kimura is handling the manga adaptation and has created two one-shots, MEDICAL PUNCH!!! and Japonica.
If you look at the top picture, it’s very similar to Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, style. But I want to know why I see dinosaurs on the cover.
Naruto has a lot of over-the-top moments, but having dinosaurs in the Boruto era takes the cake. Will any of the dinosaurs talk and who’s the guy with the red hair?