On October 20, 2022, Bandai Namco US announced on Twitter the release date for Digimon World: Next Order for the Nintendo Switch and PC! Although the game initially came out on March 17, 2016, on the PlayStation Vita in Japan.
It was later released for the PlayStation 4 in North America and PAL regions in January 2017. And Japan would later release Digimon World: Next Order International Edition on February 26, 2017.
What sets this version apart is you get not one but TWO Digimon partners, and you choose the ones you want!

What is Digimon World: Next Order?
Next Order is the sixth game in the Digimon World series and is an open-world RPG. You can choose between two characters, collect and recruit over 200 Digimon to form Bonds, build a thriving town, and more!
There’s also an improved battle system, which is a real-time base, but you can issue commands, praise, heal, and give items to your Digimon partners. And, of course, it’s not a Digimon game without Digivolutions!
And having two Digimon partners means you can fuse them to create the ultimate partner! But you’ll have to meet specific requirements before you can Digivolve your partners, and if they die, you’ll have to start over.
But don’t worry, Digimon never truly die. Instead, they turn into an egg you can hatch and raise from Trainer to Rookie.
Your character will also be joined by other Digidestined with their accompanying Digimon. Will you make Floatia thrive and save the Digital World?
If you haven’t watched or played anything from the Digimon franchise, you’ll be pleased to know that Digimon World: Next Order is very open to new fans. With over 200 Digimon to recruit and collect, you’re encouraged to explore and experiment often.
The version on the Switch and PC will also have two new modes. A beginner mode, to decrease the difficulty, and a running mode, to help you move faster.
But will the improvements make the game more enjoyable? As a long-term Digimon fan and gamer, I’m thrilled to see Next Order come to the Switch.
Some of the videos suggest it’s similar to Pokemon Shield and Sword. You have a camping mode where you can cook, play with your Digimon, or rest.
And sometimes giant Digimon appears, but there’s a lot of grinding, and you’re Digimon have short lifespans. I don’t mind grinding, but if I have to start over constantly, the new modes will go on.
Digimon World: Next Order will go on sale on February 22, 2023. Are you ready to go Digital?