The Berserk manga is HARD AF and controversial, but here’s why the haters are wrong!

An image of Guts from the Berserk manga.

Kentaro Miura’s Berserk manga is brilliant, but it’s also insanely gruesome, violent — and quite often — unhinged. It’s a dark fantasy tale that depicts barbarity and cruelty at such an unprecedented level that it makes even the most strong-stomached readers squirm. And even people outside the Berserk fanbase have noticed, causing outrage on Twitter … Read more

One Piece Episode 1042 revisits Robin’s backstory

One Piece Robin

One Piece Episode 1042, titled “The Predator’s Trap – Black Maria’s Temptation”, aired on November 27, 2022, with a lot of action and a lot of flashbacks. The episode starts where the last episode left off — Yamato vs Kaido and Franky vs Sasaki. Franky once again goes with his V-For-Victory Flash after hitting Sasaki … Read more

Telenet Shooting Collection announced, classic Mega Drive & PC Engine shoot ’em up games coming to Switch

Alexis, the Queen of Leezaluth, and the starfighter as they appear in the Japanese cover art of Gaiares.

The Telenet Shooting Collection will soon find its way to the Nintendo Switch. The system has its share of shoot ’em up fans, so game companies aim to serve this small but dedicated group of enthusiasts. Edia is one such company and is known for the Cosmic Fantasy Collection and Valis Collection. The upcoming Telenet … Read more