Astro Boy 1980 is a blast from the past and is the first Astro Boy to be in full color. The Blu-ray contains all 52 episodes in 1080p high definition, with a 1250 runtime.
It includes the original Japanese and the English dub with clean opening, clean closing, and an art gallery. This Astro Boy is a color remake of the original Astro Boy that came out in the 1960s, and both are adapted from Osamu Tezuka’s manga series.

What is the 1980 Astro Boy about?
When Doctor Boynton lost his son Toby in an accident, he built a robot in his son’s image, only to realize that nothing would fill the void in his heart. The show is set in 2030 and is much darker than previous versions.
If you choose to watch the English dub, only 51 episodes will be dubbed due to certain scenes being removed, and two episodes were merged.
Robots with hearts is a key theme, and the series focuses on action. Astro Boy 1980 was the last Astro Boy that Tezuka wrote and directed, making this a must for diehard fans and collectors.
Tezuka was dissatisfied with how the 1960 version turned out, but it wasn’t until 1974 that he began working on Astro Boy 1980. The first two episodes were edited together to remove Atlas’s origin subplot, but both episodes are available in the Japanese version.
Who is Astro Boy?
Astro Boy, Atom, or Astro is a robot built in the image of Toby Boynton/Tobio Tenma. His first appearance was in the Captain Atom manga in 1951, and he has made his way into several anime.
1963, 1980, and 2003 are the most notable, and Astro has also starred in feature films and video games. The City of Niza registered Astro Boy as a resident on April 7, 2003, and he was inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame in 2004.
Astro is in other Tezuka works, but he’s not always identified as Astro Boy. Nevertheless, Astro ranked 43 on Empire Magazine’s 50 Greatest Comic Characters and is the only manga character to do so.
Astro is a young boy at heart and always tries to do the right thing.