November 29/30 chose the safe path for Dragon Ball Super fans. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will be available on 4K ULTRA HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray, and DVD on December 7, 2022.
But we’re also getting a fun program on YouTube called The Red Ribbon Army Reflection Meeting at 8 pm JST on the same day! However, hope is not lost because according to the official website for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, there’s another announcement for the franchise before 2022 ends!
The manga is returning in the V Jump February Special Issue on December 21, 2022. But is the new announcement for something else?

What is the Red Ribbon Army Reflection Meeting?
It’s not easy being in the worst army in the world, but some of our favorite characters from the Super Hero movie will give spoilers as they watch the Red Ribbon Army’s activities. But there will also be insights and reflections on improving the Red Ribbon Army.
There will also be episodes during the voiceover recording, director Kodama’s commitment to directing, and exclusive stories that shouldn’t be missed. The “Anatomy of the Red Ribbon Army Corner reveals details about the inside of the base.
An introduction of related goods and Mr. Furukawa and Piccolo’s surprise? Similarities and comparisons between Kodama’s imageboard and scenes from the main story will also be shown.
Finally, in video messages, Yutaka Irino, Mamoru Miyano, and Masako Nozawa will appear. But Nozawa will only appear as Gohan.
The three share their thoughts on their characters and the Red Ribbon Army! If you miss the premiere, the video will continue to be available as an archive until the end of February 2023.
It’s time for Trunks and Goten to shine!
According to the official Dragon Ball website, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will be adapted into the manga! But we’ll also get a prequel story starring Trunks and Goten as teenagers wearing costumes that DBZ fans should recognize.
This confuses the timeline as many believe the Super Hero movie before the Granolah The Survivor arc ends. Goku, Vegeta, and Broly are present but don’t have an impact on the story.
So does this mean the prequel will reuse past villains or give the boys an easy fight? Given their age, there’s no reason to believe Trunks and Goten can’t handle themselves.
Are they on the same level as their fathers? Not likely, but they’re not helpless and know how to fuse.
There’s no official announcement when VIZ Media or Shonen Jump will bring the new chapters to international readers. But it’s only a matter of time until they do!