Anime Geek is committed to the fight against misinformation and the spread of fake news.
Our integrity relies on us double and triple-checking all facts and ensuring all information used in our content comes from reliable sources.
All our writers must abide by our Editorial Guidelines, one of the main pillars of which is Seeking the Truth.
Each and every writer for Anime Geek must commit to carrying out thorough fact-checking using their judgment in light of our guidelines and ethics policy.
All information must be cross-checked to verify its veracity, and where necessary additional sources are contacted to ensure the accuracy of all published content.
When deemed necessary, we will also use fact-checkers to verify information.
Our website also includes a robust editorial team, and every article must pass through an editor who carries out additional checks of all facts and sources before publication.
In addition to making sure that all information published is factual, Anime Geek is committed to ensuring all our reporting is fair and balanced. Where necessary, we will always alert our readers when statements or information may be disputed.
The above processes not only apply to all content on our website but also to everything we publish on our social media channels, including posts, captions, headlines, and URLs.
Any content that does not meet our standards must be reworked and revised before publication.